Case Studies

Explore MakeOlix’s case studies page to discover firsthand how our digital marketing solutions transform businesses. From skyrocketing online visibility to boosting ROI, each case study unveils our strategic prowess. Dive into real-world success stories and witness the power of MakeOlix’s tailored digital strategies. Elevate your brand today!

Case Studies Categories
MSEO Case Study – Weathered Not Worn
Focusing on the USA Country, we researched nearly 70 keywords and narrowed the list down to a potential 50.
Digital Marketing
MSEO Case Study – Aitkens Pewter (1)
Focusing on the Canada Country, we researched 70 keywords and narrowed the list down to a potential 50.
Digital Marketing
MSEO Case Study – Greel & Watson Patent Attorneys (1)
Untitled design (23)
Focusing on the USA Country, we researched 70 keywords and narrowed the list down to a potential 50.
Digital Marketing

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with the comprehensive website audit

Invest in a detailed website audit and understand your online performance. We analyze your website to get a clear view of what you can improve.

We work hard to understand the industries of your target market and create a custom solution for each one. Our expertise in branding and design, combined with our extensive social media reach, is proving to be a great asset in helping our clients reach customers faster and easier than ever before.

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